Thursday, May 22

"Black Mother's Don't Say I Love You": a Workshop SUCCESS!

'Black Mother's' Workshop Reading at #RPS13

Just wrapped up the workshop reading production of Black Mothers Don't Say I Love You  presented at the Rock Paper Sistahs Festival in Toronto...

I must admit a truth, After the vast success of 'da Kink it has been challenging as a writer, for me to come up with new work, I was questioning myself and wondering could I possibly write something that would have the same impact as 'da Kink? I was actually "competing" with myself and kept asking, is this as "good" as 'da kink? I was scared, really terrified to put my work again out to the public... Thus, the premiere was very life affirming to me as a writer and artist, thank you to everyone who supported me through this journey.

 Much thanks to the amazing cast and a special shout out to Ngozi Paul and Ordena Stephens who are not only cast members, but truly Sistahs who believe in my work and have held my hand through this entire exploration phase of my new work.

much love
trey xoxo

the powerful narrator Chantal!

mommy and daughter break it down!

the beautiful and talented Ngozi Paul and Ordena Stephens
A beautiful and blessed night! A phenomenal cast and director who received a standing ovation after only working with the script for three days!!!

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