Wednesday, August 28

"Black Twitter" Reacts to ABC News' Scentific Report on Twerking

I have to say that I am past tired of hearing anything about the whole Miley Cirus MTV awards performance or about twerking ever since she seemed to have brought it to mainstream. But, I laughed so hard at "black twitter's" reaction to an ABC News report that broke down the science of twerking. In the report, ABC news describes twerking as a "complex and technical" subject that only a Ph.D researcher can breakdown how the body can do these movements.

The thing that happens when mainstream media finally catches on to what is common in the black community, is that they are often too late and more times than not, they are wrong. So a trending topic started on Twitter to poke fun at the ABC News report and created their own scientific analysis of other common sayings amongst urban / black people. Some of them were great!

These were a few of my favourites:

What are your thoughts on the recent twerking phenom?

Monday, August 26

MONDAY MOTIVATION: IS This Your BEST and highest VISION of yourself?

It's hard for me to believe that 'da Kink is opening in Atlanta in less than two weeks!  I've kept relatively sane throughout this entire process.  I truly believe it has been my dedication to sticking to a daily practice of meditation, prayer, and huge dosages of listening to Hay House Radio and of course  listening every morning to my personal guru, Wayne Dyer, that has kept me mainly, calm, cool and collective and filled with great joy. Also I've been manifesting only greatness so I've been fully aware of my thoughts and asking for support and delegating things. 

Though, some days fear does creep in and that little voice becomes really loud. The voice which questions and taunts me, " Who do you think you are?" Yet, I have also sought out spritual guidance and support.  Last week I had a huge melt down in the office of the great spiritual leader, Dr Barbara King( If you don't know who she is, google her!) I was in tears, snot dripping, nose all red, a really ugly cry!  The pressure was too much, too many people were counting on me,  I was not feeling good enough, feeling there wasn't enough time, enough resources, there were too many things that needed to get done, and the list was endless....

Yet, I was grateful for her powerful words. Her ability to remind me to focus on the outcome, what were my desires? She also reminded me that I was "called" to do this work, that I should maintain faith that God would not bring me this far to fail me. I truly thank God for bringing this powerful womyn into my life at this time! She sat and talked with me for hours and then prayed with me. It was a morning that truly changed my life. One of my ah ha moments!

I also had another breakthrough mid week while meditating, a message came to me, that 'da Kink is bigger than me. I was instructed to release it, surrender it and let GOD. If only five people show up for 'da Kink or five million.... I can only do my BEST.  And this is truly my BEST! My BEST VISION of me, My BEST and highest VISION of myself.  

So, I ask you, each day to think is this the BEST and highest VISION of myself? And if you are not giving the world your best and highest Vison of yourself, you need to change what you are doing immediatley~ 

For the next few blog posts leading up to 'da Kink myself and the cast will be doing video blogs, to give you an up close and personal look into our world!!! What does it take to produce a theatrical production of this magnitude??? Oh boy!  So keep checking out the blog and yes get your kink tixs!!!!

Friday, August 23

I Love Smoothies!I

I would have never expected myself to be one of those people who “juice” but I am loving my smoothie cleanse! I’ve been incredibly busy and often times feeling exhausted preparing for ‘Da Kink, but I’ve found a lot more energy this week from having daily smoothies. I’ve been sharing recipes with my friends and researching so many great combinations.

Here are a few of my favorites:

Mango Ginger — 2 cups frozen Mango, 1 cup frozen raspberries, 1 banana, ¼ cup chopped ginger, squeeze of lime, yogurt.

Chocolate Peanut Butter –  2 TBL unsweetened cocoa powder, 2 TBL peanut butter, ½ banana, 1 cup almond milk, ice.

Green Smoothie — 1 cup baby spinach, 1 cup kale, 1 pear, 1 ½ cup of orange juice, and 1 frozen banana.

What are some recipes that you enjoy making? Share!!

Wednesday, August 21

Ava DuVernay's Short Film "Say Yes" Starring Lance Gross and Issa Rae

Ava DuVernay is back with another beautiful short film called, "Say Yes" starring many actors including Lance Gross and funny girl Issa Rae. This time Ava teamed up with cosmetics brand Fashion Fair to create a film named after the company's signature lipstick. As usual Ava has stuck with her formula of stunning visuals that tells the story in the silent film.

I love the lane that Ava has created for herself and cannot wait to see what she does next! Check out the video below to watch "Say Yes".

Let me know what you think if it!

Friday, August 16

Want to Work For Me? Looking For a Writer to Join the Trey Anthony Studios Team!


Trey Anthony Studios is looking for a social media blogger/writer/intern. 
Want your writing blogs to be seen by over 3000 visitors per month! Then apply to our blogging writing team!

We are looking for a person who is all these things and more!!! 
  • Extremely smart!
  • Up to date on current events in the world and the entertainment industry!
  •  Care passionately about womyn's issues! Especially womyn of colour.
  •  A believer in sharing good news!  
  •  Have the pulse on social media!
  •  Innovative,  creative and have a strong sense of business and social media!
  •  A great editor and possess  strong writing skills and grammar!  A damn good speller!
  •  Enjoys working from home! And has their own computer and Internet access. 
  • Got a good sense of humour!
Womyn of colour and first nation womyn and  members of the LGBT community are strongly encouraged to apply.


  • To keep the trey anthony blog current and up to date. Intern will  post three blogs per week on trey anthony's blog page, the truth according to trey.  Some blog posts will come directly from Ms anthony , however, the intern will also be responsible for providing weekly blogs.  These blogs will be posted on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday before 9am.  These blogs will consists of inspirational quotes or videos or entertainment news and gossip worthy events,  pertaining to womyn in the entertainment industry.  Blogs should be thought provoking and entertaining.  trey anthony would like the blog to be a mix of current affairs, inspirational, humor and entertaining.  A blog where people will go to check out what's going on in entertainment but also a good news blog!!!
  • Intern will also be responsible for ensuring all social media presence for trey anthony and Trey Anthony Studios is current.
  • Responsibilities also include monitoring and updating f/book pages and fan pages, on all Trey Anthony Studios related pages.
  • Also responsible for reaching out to other bloggers to do cross blogging and increasing blog membership and encouraging traffic to our blog site. 

Please send a brief cover letter or letter of interest to with the subject line social media intern, and explain why you would be perfect for the job! Please outline any previous blogging or writing experience. And also provide a blog sample/writing sample of your work. Please no phone calls. Deadline to apply is 5pm August 30th 2013.

Salary:  Bloggers will be compensated for their time. Time commitment is about four- seven hours per week. Depending on how fast you blog and do research.

Wednesday, August 14

Get Up Close & Personal With 'Da Kink

I'm having a great week so far - 'da Kink rehearsals started this past Monday and it was awesome! We've found the best of the best talent and they are all putting their soul into every line. I cannot wait for everyone to see this amazing cast bring 'da Kink story to life!

If you are in the Atlanta area this Friday, August 16th, you should come check out the stage reading of the play at the National Black Arts Festival. This is your chance to get up close and personal with 'da Kink and it's cast. Also, there will be a few stars in attendance (can't tell you who yet!!).

Tickets are selling out fast so make sure to buy your tickets because you don't want to miss out.

For more information about the reading and the National Black Arts Festival, click here.

Monday, August 12

MONDAY MOTIVATION: Are You Prepared For Great Things to Happen to You?

This quote really made me pause when I read it and I had to read it a couple of times to really take it in. There are so many times that great opportunities or people come into our lives only for us to fumble the chance. But often times in these situations we blame it on everything under the sun, and question whether that blessing was actually for us. I do believe that there are some things that are simply not for you no matter how much you want it and no matter how hard you try. But what happens when something could be for you but when it comes to you, you aren't ready?

It just shows that whatever you ask for from God, from the universe, from your friends/family or partner, you need to be. If you want love, you have to consistently be loving towards yourself and towards otherwise how will you know what love looks like or even how to receive it when love shows up at your door?

We spend alot of time praying, wishing, hoping and daydreaming for amazingness to show up in our life but that's only the first step. Once you put your request out there, you have to do everything in your power to be ready for the day that chance meets opportunity.

So folks, think of at least one thing in your life that you really want. Now think about all the things that you are doing (or not) to welcome that opportunity into your life. Be honest with yourself, if this happened tomorrow would you be ready for it? If not, there's work that needs to be started right now so that your dreams can be yours!

Happy Monday!

Friday, August 9

The Ill Doctrine on Don Lemon's Rant

Have you all heard of this blog, Jay Smooth's Ill Doctrine? I ran across this video post above on my Twitter and really felt like this guy was speaking truth. What he does is posts video blogs that are smart, funny, witty rants/ social commentaries on various topics. In the one above, he breaks down exactly why Don Lemon's now infamous "No Talking Points" rant where he listed 5 ways that the black community needed to improve in order to "do better". Many, were offended and disgusted by Don's suggestions including: picking up sagging pants for young black boys and not having babies out of wedlock. The I'll Doctrine posts about why these points are basically simple minded, ridiculous and ill advised.

Check it out and let me know what you think!

Wednesday, August 7

We All Have "Good Hair"!

I saw this picture on an Instagram profile, and absolutely loved it! How many times have we heard people explain that they have "good hair because..." often following that with a list of every cultural mix possible - white, Indian, Spanish, Asian, etc. We've heard that all many many times before as these are often the womyn who are ascribed with having the "good hair" that we are taught to covet. These womyn do have gorgeous hair but it's always refreshing to see black hair being celebrated for all it's kinkiness as well.

The little girl's hair in the picture isn't long and flowing but coiled into two big afro puffs. And, she is saying I'm beautiful and my hair is beautiful. In the black community and in society, being mixed is celebrated. I've heard many people (of all colours) say that they want to have a mixed baby so that their child can have nice hair and eyes. But what about the little girl who is just black? And, why should it even be phrased or internalized as "just black"?

This is why we must continue to celebrate our natural, permed, afro'd, dreadloc'd and whatever other kind of hair you choose to have. And show our little girls that being "just black" is beautiful.

Monday, August 5

MONDAY MOTIVATION: Stop Trying Impress The People in Your Life That Don't Truly Matter To You

The need to be liked by others is a disease that I believe many of us suffer from - childhood even in to our adulthood. There is this almost desperate pull that many of us have, that will do whatever we can to feel important, smart, beautiful, talented, and whatever else we deem to be impressive, in other people's eyes. The thing that always amazes me with peoples' need to be liked is that if they really took a deep look inside, they would realize that they don't truly even like the people that they are trying to impress in the first place. There is no need to try to impress the people who love and care about you because they already think you are important.

Just think about it, the people who you usually truly respect and admire are those who are authentically themselves, no matter what. They don't try to get your admiration or respect because they are simply doing them and living their lives.

That's one thing that I think we all need to remember, when we feel that "need to impress" bug coming on - stop trying to be something and just do you (in whatever way that authentically looks like for you). Being impressive to yourself is a lot better than worrying about impressing others.

I read Jada Pinkett Smith's Facebook status yesterday, and thought what she had to say about this was so perfect:

The need to want to be impressive to others is a substitute for authentic relating and deep connection. As long as we are seemingly impressive to others we can continue to fool ourselves with the notion that those who are "seemingly impressed" actually love and care for us. I suppose it is like "fast food love". But...we know what fast food does to the body. Imagine what "fast food love" does to the heart and soul.

Happy Monday!

Friday, August 2

Rolling Out Magazine is Officially a Sponsor of 'Da Kink in My Hair

I'm so excited to announce that Rolling Out Magazine is our official sponsor for 'Da Kink in My Hair 2013! Thank you to them for believing in 'Da Kink and wanting to get on board with the movement!

They are offering an awesome contest to readers for a chance to win their Beauty Takeover contest. Click here for details about the contest and how you can win. Good luck!!

Also, I just want send love to my brother Darren who is showing his play, Secrets of a Black Boy, this weekend at the National Black Theatre Festival. To all my North Carolina readers, check out this festival and go see Secrets. Toronto came out and sold out both shows last weekend so the boys are guaranteed to put on an amazing show for you this weekend!

Happy Friday everyone!