Wednesday, August 1

Snoop Dogg Quitting the Rap Game To Become Reggae Artist

Snoop Dogg is quitting the rap game! Not music, just rap.  He claims that rap is no longer appealing because its not challenging and has decided to move on to something new.

After a recent trip to Jamaica, he has decided to change his name to Snoop Lion and will be singing reggae from now on!  During his visit in February, he said that he really connected with Bob Marley's spirit and that he is now Bob Marley reincarnated and stated that he "feels like I've always been Rastafarian,"

Bob Marley's son Rohan attended the conference  and even gave him his blessing!

One of the articles I read stated that he was happy to have music that his children and family can now listen to.  "As a 40-year-old man ... I've got to give them something," he said. "That's what you do when you're wise."

When I first heard the news I thought it was a joke!  But major news networks are reporting, his name is changed on wikipedia (haha! yes I checked there too!).

What's crazy is that he even has a likkle hint of a Jamaican accent when he's singing now.

If you want a sample of the new Snoop Lion check out the track below.  It's off his new album called 'Reincarnated' and will be released this fall.

I'm not sure what to think about Snoop Lion, but at the end of the day he needs to do what is going to make him happy!  (or what allows him so smoke even more weed!)

Please leave a comment with your thoughts on the song and the re-birth of Snoop!


  1. not feeling this track at all....sorry lion dis na mek it!

  2. Ya this feels like listening to a child read a childs book. Not excitin.
