Monday, January 28

MONDAY MOTIVATION: Jada Pinkett's Message to the Dream Stealers

One of the most important aspects of being in a relationship is having someone who supports not only  the person that you are within the relationship, but also the person you are becoming or have always dreamed of being. If you have a dream of being an actress, a writer, singer, CEO of a Fortune 500 company, whatever the dream is that you hold in your heart, your significant other should not only support that but be actively engaged in your passion. If you are a writer, at the very minimum, your partner should read a few of your pieces. I received an amazing email from a man a month ago who wanted to inquire about my coaching packages and upcoming Millionaire Artist workshop for his girlfriend. In the email, he spoke about his belief in his girlfriend's talent as a designer despite her own doubt and that he wants to help her take the steps towards pursuing her vision. I loved this because this is what a partner should be!

Another issue that many people relate to is the feeling that one has to give up on their dreams once they settle down and have a family. While taking care of a family and pursuing a dream that may not initially offer stability can be overwhelming and scary, it is possible. Jada Pinkett Smith, a womyn who has successfully juggled a career and family, had a few things to say about this problem:
Dream stealers…
I think one of the worst atrocities we can commit on people we say we love is to steal their dreams through our overbearing expectations. Whether we steal dreams consciously or unconsciously, it renders the same effect…RESENTMENT.
Someone we say we love should NEVER be forced to choose having your love and support over having their dreams. There is a way to have BOTH.
The scary part is that most of the time we may be infringing on the dreams of others in order to fulfill a dream of our own. Partnership, parenting, marriage should reflect the desire to help each other build fulfilling lives for all parties involved. You’ve got ONE life ( that we know of ). LIVE IT…to the FULLEST!
BUILD on your dreams and on the dreams of those you love…TODAY!
Surround yourself with people that believe in and support your dreams and stay focused on the vision that you have for yourself. If not, you will find yourself living a life filled with doubt, regret and resentment. Think about what an awesome example that will be for your children as they will look up to "mommy / daddy" who made their dreams happen despite having to put food on the table and provide for X amount of kids. If you believe that it is possible, then your children will believe this as well for their future dreams.

I will be sharing a few stories of my own at The Millionaire Artist workshop this Saturday February 2nd. Secure your seat and register here: Millionaire Artist Eventbrite. Only a few spots left!

Do at least 1 thing today that focuses on and invests in your dreams. I dare you!

Happy Monday!

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