Wednesday, August 15

NYC Entrepreneur To Launch New Urban TV Network

I just read an article that got me excited.  Peggy Dodson, former jazz singer, and entrepreneur from Harlem is launching her own cable TV network!  This new network will be aimed at a multi-cultural audience. UBC-TV or Urban Broadcasting Company will broadcast from Harlem and will reach 40 million homes, in addition to online viewers.

In a recent interview, Dodson said that she wants her network to be more like the CW or Bravo and not so much like BET.  “I love ‘Jeffersons’ reruns, but that’s not the kind of network we want to be.”

It will start out with four hours of prime-time programming per day and is developing programs about style, beauty, personal finance, food, health, small business and fitness. The network will also feature an updated Soul Train/American Band Stand, called “The UBC Dance Mix Show.”

Dodson has run a self-empowerment business for more than a decade and put $600,000 of her own money into starting the project and spent eight years raising the rest.

Stories about successful Black womyn really do empower me.  I know what it's like to be a girl with big dream and I've seen and am continuing to see my dreams come to fruition.  Dreams of this magnitude NEVER occur overnight, but are the culmination of YEARS of hard work, determination and persistence.

I sincerely hope that Dodson is able to make this network work because we really need another voice in the marketplace.  I got tired of turning on the TV and seeing the image of Black people that is portrayed in the media.  (Maybe that's why I gave up on cable and switched to Netflix.)  We need to have our voices  heard.  We need to have our stories told the way we wish to tell them.

If you're in the NYC or have family/friends etc in NYC please share and support! This is the chance we've been waiting for to have the stories we want told available to us!

Check out this short clip:

1 comment:

  1. this is so INSPIRING and EXCITING!
    she is taking control of what she wants seen in the media
